Undoubtedly, the
benefits of apples for health are also very powerful and beyond what we can
expect. Apples
have good properties for the health of the human body, well these are some
amazing apple benefits to the human body.
1. Helps the small intestine work
Digestion is never separated from the work of the small intestine as a food
processor and take the nutrients. Regular
consumption of apples can prevent constipation and indigestion that occur in
the gut.
2. Reduce the risk of respiratory distress
A recent study showed that children who consume apple juice regularly can
reduce the risk of respiratory illness. In
addition, pregnant women who regularly consume apple juice is also effective to
suppress interference in the respiratory child in the womb.
3. Healthy mouth and tooth cavity
Apparently apple also has a function of tablets for oral and dental health,
consuming apples by directly chewing will stimulate the production of saliva to
cleanse the oral cavity. In
addition to the tannin substances contained in apples, cleanse plaque that
damages teeth and gums.
4. Provide protection to the bone
Kandunga flavonoids (phloridzin) is an apple benefit that reduces the
problem of osteoporosis in post-monopouse women. Boron
content in apples also serves to strengthen the bones in the body so as not to
be easily porous. It
is also very good for the prevention of symptoms of rheumatic diseases.
5. Controlling blood sugar
acid is supplied apples to decrease the body's performance in releasing insulin
hormone. Therefore,
apples are well consumed for people who have a genetic history of diabetes so
as not to increase and become more serious.
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